ccdconfig sgid kmem BSD exploit

Description:ccdconfig is sgid kmem and can be exploited to read /dev/mem . It shouldn't be too tough to leverage this into root access.
Author:Niall Smart <rotel@INDIGO.IE>
Compromise: root (local)
Vulnerable Systems:NetBSD, FreeBSD, older version of OpenBSD
Date:31 December 1997

Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 02:02:31 +0000
From: Niall Smart <rotel@INDIGO.IE>
Subject: Vulnerability in ccdconfig


FreeBSD and NetBSD's ccdconfig doesn't do proper checking of the
argument to -f:

[nsmart@ginseng ~]$ ccdconfig -U -f /dev/mem 2>&1 | strings | grep Charlie
root:iDeLeTeDiT:0:0::0:0:Charlie: No such file or directory

I had to cat /etc/master.passwd in another window to get this to
work though :) So perhaps its not very easily exploitable, but
is worth fixing nonetheless.

This bug was also spotted by and fixed in OpenBSD
some time ago.


 * FreeBSD and NetBSD have been notified of the problem and have fixed
   it in their source tree's as of yesterday  (FreeBSD-current,
   FreeBSD-stable, NetBSD-current)  Retrieve the patched ccdconfig.c
   and compile yourself a new ccdconfig.

 * "chmod g-s /sbin/ccdconfig". I can't think of any reason for it to be
   sgid kmem.



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